Finding “Baby Claire”

Today, I had a first time ever experience. It felt like I was in a movie, in the twilight zone. Is this really happening?

I was almost home. Errands were done and I looking forward to spending time with my family in the nice, cool air-conditioned house (the heat index today in 102Fยฐ), but the Lord had other plans.

About a block away from our home, while on the main street in town, before turning in towards our ‘cove’ of houses I had to stop the van — right in the middle of a busy street. Why? Because about half way through that busy street was a child no more than two years old wondering across that street.

She was bare footed, wondering around, holding a dark pinkish/reddish sippy cup. I put our van window down and told her to “go on the grass” “honey, go to the grass” — numberous times I told this little one to go on the grass and finally she did.

Where I was stopped on the road I had to turn right, which I do to go home, and traffic continued. As I remind you, our house is but a block away from where I am — literally seconds away, yet the Lord was telling me, “GO BACK! FIND HER!”

I called my family and told them what was happening and what the Lord was nudging me to do. Then the thought accured to me, “I saw no adult around her” –she was alone.

By this time I had turned the van around and was back at that some intersection where I had first seen this child. My heart raced and sank as I didn’t see her anywhere. I saw the drainage pipes and thought of the water and how she couldn’t swim, and I prayed, “Oh Lord, please, PLEASE show me which way to turn!”

He said, “LEFT!” I turned left and but 5-600 feet later there she was on another side road to my right, still wondering, shoeless, (it’s hot out there), deep red cheeks, now with no sippy cup in her hands.

I stopped the van. Jumped out. Slowly went up to her and said my name and asked her where her Mommy and Daddy are. She didn’t answer. I told her my name and asked “can you show me your house?” (she couldn’t but I tried) and I picked her up because she started walking away again.

Another woman from a neighboring town had stopped as well, she asked if I was the mother (she saw her wondering too– I said no, shared what I had seen) and we determined I would hold the child and she would call 9-11.

This baby girl didn’t know where she lived, didn’t speak her name, just wanted to walk away. I held her while the other lady called 9-11. We gave her water and kept her entertained until we knew the Sheriff would get there.

Then this truck with out-of-state plates pulls up about a minute before the Sheriff (glad it was that close in time). A guy walks up to us women and said, “there you are” to the child. By this time I was holding her again. I asked, “…and you are?” Three times I asked this man “…and you are?” and he wouldn’t answer me, he just looked at me. By now, I’m thinking, “Ummm, you are from another state, you won’t tell me who you are” –I wasn’t about to hand over this child to him. For all we knew, he was watching this little one walking around too — not can do! He could have answered.

By this time, the Sheriff pulled up (I was thanking the LORD!), I introduced myself to him and told him everything I knew, then the other woman who stopped told her story. Then Mr. Out-of-state man spoke up and told the Sheriff, “I’m an Uncle. I’m from…” I still don’t understand why he didn’t answer me when I asked, but the Sheriff took care of him. When they were talking, two ladies in another truck came claiming to be family (none looking like a young mother’s age).

We waited with that little girl for over 20 minutes until the Sheriff arrived and family came, but from the way she looked she must have been out there longer than that due to her feet, checks, and disorientation. She was so disoriented, thirsty, and so very hot. ๐Ÿ˜ข

Happy to report a happy ending, (Praise the Lord) but I am saddened it happened. I rejoice in the prompting of the Lord in my heart, but one thing still bothers my soul deeply; those three older adults (who came for that child) responded to her with yelling, harsh questioning (yes, questioning a 2 yrs old), and more yelling. They did not check her out to see if she was okay, hurt, thirsty, scared, etc, they just yelled at her and justified their actions. From what I could see and hear, there was no personal responsibility taken for this child, this makes me sick. I am so glad that this little one is off the road, wasn’t hit, and that she is out of this weather, but I still fear for her.

I know the Sheriff is on it, but would you pray? Pray for her safety and care. My heart is burdened for this little one. My heart wants to rescue her. I don’t know her name, but God does — so for our sake, let’s call her Baby Claire.

Will you join me in prayer for “Baby Claire”? ๐Ÿ™

Thank you for sharing in my burden.
God Bless you all.

In Christ I am SHE {Saved. HOPEFUL. Empowered.}


  1. Oh wow, that hurts my heart and I will keep this precious baby girl lifted up in prayer and those around her. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ so grateful that you followed the tugging on your heart as well sis. God bless

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