In Christ I am SHE

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Before any conclusions are made, I want to make one thing clear…I am a work in progress. In Ephesians 2 it says, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus…” He is truly the Potter and I the clay. I am eternally thankful to the Lord.

The other day in my personal time with God, I was reading I Corinthians 15. In verses 57 and 58 it says, “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” WOW! these are powerful and encouraging verses to this soul of mine. In my journaling Bible I wrote this:

Whenever discouragement arises…


  1. be STEADFAST [means: resolution, dutifully, firm, loyal, faithful, committed, dedicated, constant; firmly fixed or established; not fickled or wavering]
  2. be IMMOVABLE [never distracted; giving ourselves over to that which we know is not vain; locked on one = Christ; not affected; not having the passions excited]
  3. always ABOUNDING [always excelling] in the WORK of the LORD, {and this next part is just the sweetness of God towards His creations} KNOWING this [you can know; you do know], that in the LORD your labor IS NOT IN VAIN.

Nothing you do for Christ is a waste of time or effort. 

Did you hear that….NOTHING! Your time with Christ is never time wasted! In Christ I am She is truly & simply born out of a deep longing and personal desire for God. I need God. Without Christ; I am nothing; I can do nothing. This heart, soul, and mind are continually needing reminding of, spurring on, challenging, rebuking, comforting, leading, loving, directing, and fastened to the One and only that can truly fulfill. And this is how In Christ I am She  blog blossomed; a needy heart for Christ and thee incredible working power of Christ in a soul = a changed life.

My humble and deepest prayer desire is that in some small way the Lord uses His working in my heart, as weak and needy as it is, to somehow be an encouragement, challenge, and Christ-focused to you; that others may see the wonder-working God-power in an ordinary woman that desires to be Christ-filled, and in return give Him all the glory and praise due to His name.

  • May we be pointers to Christ and iron sharpening iron to one another.
  • May we live an abundant-intended Christ life and glorify our Maker along the way together!

Today, 12.01.2016, In Christ I am She {Saved.Hopeful.Empowered.} I pledge to my Lord Jesus Christ, from this day forward, I will in His strength be willing to obey and walk steadfast and willingly submit to His authority in both my life and through this blog. I will serve and love Him with all my heart unconditionally, then share that obedience, walking, serving, and love with others {in both written, action, and verbal forms}. Through In Christ I am SHE, may your hearts be challenged yet encouraged to love Christ with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. May Jesus Christ be praised!

Rejoice for you are a daughter of the King,

In Christ I am SHE {Saved. Hopeful. Empowered.}

Reblogging 10.27.2018 from the original post dated December 01, 2016; Colleen Woodruff;


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